Monday, November 8, 2010


Spanky and my girls and I cruised over to Petsmart in Cary today.  He was a bit scared to go in (who wouldn't be - it was loud and packed).  So I scooped him up and carried him - he reminded me how puppy he still was when he laid his head on my shoulder.  Sweetness.  After only about 3 minutes, he was acclimated and ready to explore.  Tail wagging and nose sniffing - we spent at least an hour in there - talking to lots of 2 legged creatures and playing with many 4 legged creatures.  He did so well!  Enjoyed everyone, and let everyone love all over him. He then slept the entire way home - he really loves to ride in the car.

Earlier, he went for his first official road walk in his new harness. I held my 2 older dogs - Dixie and Pepper, and my daugher Eva held Spanky.  He loved it - he just such an easy going little fella.  He will be somebody's dream dog, that's for sure!

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